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The Lifestyle

People often ask us, "So where do you surf in Denver?"

We want to be clear, "Surf _____" is a lifestyle.  What kind of lifestyle?  Well...

  • It's like a Type I -Type II Fun lifestyle.
  • It's like being on top of a mountain peak with absolutely no wind.
  • It's like getting fresh pow on every run of the day.
  • It's like a great cup of coffee on a cold camping morning.
  • It's like the best flowy, bermy, roller-y mountain bike trail you've ever been on.
  • It's like rafting through the desert with a beer in hand.
  • It's like a post-adventure beer.
  • It's like a beer on a sunny patio.
  • It's like a beer in the middle of nowhere on a backpacking trip.
  • Ok, there might be a lot of beer.
  • It's like wandering without being lost.
  • It's like forgetting you own a cell phone.
  • It's like...